A limited range of Kilkivan Great Horse Ride merchandise is available for pre-order at a discounted price.

These items can be collected from the registration office at the event. No postage is available.

Get your pre-order in by 28 march


Choose from tan, navy or pink. Pre-order only special price. Price at event is $35.00 


Exclusive dated & numbered KGHR cattle tags. (FREE with every trail ride ticket purchased) 

drink mugs - $25.00

Keep your drinks warm or cold with these attractive thermal drink mugs in pink, blue and white. Order early price at the event is $30.


Chimney & Main Street Parade designs $10.00. NEW Tan, Navy or Pink designs. Pre-order online only special price $10.00.  Price at event is $15.00 

KGHR HAT PIN - $3.00

Size of pin is 30mm diameterPre-order only special pricePrice at event is $5.00. 

fishing shirts - $55.00

Pre-order only special price is $55. Available at the event for $60.

Special mention to the photographers that contributed to the fishing shirt design: Aromarei Photography (front) and Melanie Jayne Photography (back).

Kilkivan Great Horse Ride Logo white

Kilkivan Great Horse Ride & Country Weekend Escape 2025 is an annual event held in Kilkivan, South-East Queensland. The event is organised by the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride Inc., a not-for-profit community organisation run by volunteers.