All horse event entries are to be made through the TryBooking website. Click on the button to be taken directly to the booking site.
If you want to enter a horse event and have NOT been on a trail ride, you will need to complete a waiver of liability form and horse health declaration form (to be completed on the day of travel) and register on arrival.
All under 18yo competitors MUST wear a helmet.
Proudly sponsored by …
Under cover in the KSEC Arena.
This event is run by the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride independently of any other club or association. No affiliation or points toward external clubs or associations attainable.
The KGHR Handy Horse Challenge is facilitated by Southern Cross Xtreme Cowboy Racing and sponsored by The Pump House.
There is also a Handy Horse Challenge OTT this year for off the track thoroughbreds and standardbreds only. Proof of prior racing registration is required in the form of name or brands.
1st prize and ribbons to 5th place will be awarded. Click on the button below for the general competition rules and divisions available.
We love to see what people’s imaginations and creativity bring to the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride!
There will be a prize for 1st and ribbons to 5th place.
Two classes: 17yo & under and 18yo & over.
Proudly sponsored by …
The classes will be split into the fairest age groups when entries are received and we know the competitor’s ages. Under 18yo riders must wear helmets.
There will be a prize for 1st place and ribbons to 5th place.
Proudly sponsored by …
***CLOSED – Please email to be waitlisted***
JUNIORS – LADIES – MENS $25pp per run
Great CASH & PRIZES to be won. Up to 3 runs per team.
OPENS $25pp per run (all ages and combination can compete)
Competing as a team for $1000 cash first prize.
Up to 5 runs per team.
If the same team combination ride more than once in each class then only the ONE highest score/time in that class will be awarded a win/place.
If a class has a finals run off then aggregate scores will be calculated with only that ONE highest score/time and the run off score.
Wildcard event in each class
2 riders per team.
Person can compete in more than one division.
Competition subject to cattle availability and weather conditions.
If you cancel after 8.00pm on Monday 7 April 2025, you will still be required to pay your nomination fees as the cattle and transport will have been booked.$25pp per run
Kilkivan Great Horse Ride & Country Escape 2025 is an annual event held in Kilkivan, South-East Queensland. The event is organised by the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride Inc., a not-for-profit community organisation run by volunteers.
PO Box 52
Kilkivan Queensland 4600