Can I camp in my gooseneck or horse float?
Yes. Camping at the showgrounds is horse friendly. You must bring your own horse yards or electric fence.
Are there horse yards for my horses?
No. You must bring your own portable yards or electric fencing system.
Can we use a generator at our campsite?
Yes. The use of generators is allowed, but only between the hours of 5.00am and 11.00pm. This rule will be strictly enforced.
Can we have a campfire?
Campfires are allowed, but not encouraged. If you have a fire it must be raised off the ground and in a brazier, portable fire pit such as a Compact Campfire or an OzPig-type stove. Fires must not be left unattended. The SES and Rural Fire Service will be on site and may ask people to extinguish a fire if it is not compliant.
Can we bring our dog?
Well behaved, socialised dogs are welcome, but must be securely contained or on a leash under the control of a responsible person at all times. (Exception made whilst competing in dog high jump) Please ensure to collect all droppings and dispose of appropriately.
Do the rides require horses to be shod or wear boots?
While we leave the wearing of shoes or boots to horse owners, it is recommended that horses wear shoes or boots on all the trails unless they are ridden extensively barefoot. The trail rides cover all types of terrain including bitumen roads, gravel roads, bush trails and creek crossings.
Are the trail rides restricted to walking only?
We like slow and steady rides, mainly because it’s safer. Rides that are definitely ‘walk only’ are stated on the information. The longer rides may have an opportunity to ride a bit faster, but that will depend on the people on the ride, the trail marshals, and the terrain.
Will any of the rides start or go through the Kilkivan Bush Camp?
No. All rides will start from the Kilkivan Showgrounds except the ride that starts at Woolooga.
Are there any age restrictions for riders?
Any rider under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Do we have to transport our horses to the start of the trail ride?
Yes. One ride starts at Woolooga.
Kilkivan Great Horse Ride & Country Escape 2025 is an annual event held in Kilkivan, South-East Queensland. The event is organised by the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride Inc., a not-for-profit community organisation run by volunteers.
PO Box 52
Kilkivan Queensland 4600