The KGHR barrel race is an electronically timed event using three identical barrels set in a cloverleaf pattern.
Barrels will not be weighted (with sand or water).
Barrels will be metal or plastic and enclosed on both ends.
The start/finish line and the barrel positions will be permanently marked and will remain the same throughout the entire event.
The ground around the barrels will be reworked and leveled after no more than 5 contestants have competed.
The preferred method of working the ground is with a ground tool pulled by some type of motor vehicle. There will be no hand raking.
At the time a contestant crosses the starting line time will begin, and this will constitute an attempt at a run.
A contestant will be given a ‘no time‘ for any of the following reasons:
Only one horse may be in the competition arena at any time during the competition.
Reruns will be granted if the official and any available back-up electronic timer fails to work properly or if the barrels are not placed properly on their markers.
Any penalty incurred on the original run shall not be applied against the rerun. However, any penalty occurring on the rerun shall result in a no time.
In the event of a tie, riders will be offered a run-off.
During the run-off, any barrels knocked down will result in a 5 second penalty per barrel down, each contestant will be given a minimum of 15 minutes of rest before riding in a run-off.
Horses are only permitted to run a maximum of 2 runs per day, but runs must be in different divisions.
Horse welfare is taken seriously, horses deemed injured or unfit to run by the KGHR committee will be denied a run. This decision is final. Associated entry fees will be refunded within 7 days of the event.
Excessive use of a whip or other equipment will result in a ‘no time’ being given.
Excessive whipping will be classified as more than 2 strikes to the first, 2 strikes in between each drum and 4 on the way home.
Stallions are not allowed.
The KGHR committee may disqualify or deny entry to any horse they deem dangerous to the rider, or to other individuals, animals, or property.
Placegetters must attend presentation in person or forfeit prizes or cash intended to be awarded.
Kilkivan Great Horse Ride & Country Escape 2025 is an annual event held in Kilkivan, South-East Queensland. The event is organised by the Kilkivan Great Horse Ride Inc., a not-for-profit community organisation run by volunteers.
PO Box 52
Kilkivan Queensland 4600